
Saturday 19 December 2009

Key Stage Two Year 4 Medium Frequency Words

Key Stage Two

Medium Frequency Words Overview

Teachers should expect many Y4 pupils to have little or no difficulty reading most of the words below. However, there may be difficulties in being able to spell them accurately. Many of these words do not follow a regular pattern and others are easily confused. The list is intended as a check for spelling. It is not intended that teachers should go slavishly through the lists, teaching by drilling, though there is an important place for practice, reinforcement and testing. There are many ways in which these words can be investigated and learned eg through grouping them by meanings, common spelling patterns, sound patterns, locating them in dictionaries and other texts, creating mnemonics, inventing and playing word games, proof-reading and checking them in independent writing. The words are grouped for ease of teaching. A complete list is provided below should teachers wish to re-group them to suit the needs of their classes.

Year 4

Term 1: ask(ed), began, being, brought, can't, change, coming, didn't, does, don't, found, goes, gone, heard, I'm, jumped, knew, know, leave, might, opened, show, started, stopped, think, thought, told, tries, turn(ed), used, walk(ed)(ing), watch, write, woke(n).

Term 2: almost, always, any, before, better, during, every, first, half, morning, much, never, number, often, only, second, sometimes, still, suddenly, today, until, upon, while, year, young.

Term 3: above, across, along, also, around, below, between, both, different, following, high, inside, near, other, outside, place, right, round, such, through, together, under, where, without.


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