
Tuesday 10 August 2010

Dr. Michael J. Duckett's Websites n stay focused on what you want

Dr. Michael J. Duckett's Websites


Dr. Michael J. Duckett's Websites


When an archer aims at a target, it is essential that he focuses on the bull’s-eye if that is what he intends to hit. Likewise, when a person wants to create something in their life, they must maintain an archer’s focus to achieve the goal.

Many people will start the race toward success, but only few will finish. The primary reason people stop pursuing a goal is lack of focus. If you really want something, it is essential that you put your concentration into attaining it. A lack of focus will prevent you from staying inspired along the path toward success.

There are many reasons why a person loses focus while pursuing their desires. All the reasons for losing focus can be summed up in one thought—self sabotage. Many people will talk themselves out of pursuing their dreams. That is why only a handful of people reach success in the end.

Every person starts out in life at the same level—as a baby, full of infinite possibilities. Soon after birth we start to learn our apparent limitations and short comings. But think about what would be possible in our lives if we never found out we couldn’t do something.

When we first begin pursuing our dreams, we may be motivated by the fact that we are improving our lives. Shortly after starting the process of taking action toward our desires, we begin to question the plausibility of achieving what we want. As soon as we start questioning, that is the first step in losing focus. It is difficult to stay focused without inspiration.

There is a big difference between motivation and inspiration. Motivation is what makes a person want to improve from a sense of lack into a better outcome. Inspiration occurs when a person stays focused on what he wants to achieve for the sake of achieving the desire. Inspiration does not focus on moving from lack but only concentrates on where you want to go.

Motivation is short lived. As a matter of fact, a person can only stay motivated for a number of days. Inspiration, on the other hand, is long standing. A person can stay inspired as long as he stays focused on what he wants and where he is going. So, motivating yourself to change from a less-than-desirable state to a better state is not very effective in helping you maintain a focus. When you are using motivation, you concentrate on what you don’t want—your current lack.

Inspiration on the other hand, is very powerful because it helps a person stay focused on his desire or what he does want in life. To stay inspired along the path, you must create a purpose for your life and relate it to your desire. Remember to create the emotions (Emotional/Spiritual Prototypes) of your desire regularly and avoid focusing on the obstacles that will inevitably appear before you. The more you concentrate on where you’re going, the better chance you’ll have to get there.

When a man climbs a mountain, he concentrates on getting to the top, not getting from the bottom. This helps him to keep his focus in order to make it to the top. The same goes for your life.

One way to help you stay focused is to create an Inspirational Wall of what you want.

  1. Cut out photos and pictures of your desired outcome from magazines, newspapers, etc.,
  2. Put them on a wall and look at them frequently. This is very powerful if you use the Emotional/Spiritual Prototypes while looking at your Inspirational Wall.
  3. Emotional Prototyping is the process of connecting emotions to your desires. What emotions will you possess when your desired outcome is part of your every day life? Write these down and review them while looking at your Inspirational Wall.
  4. Spiritual Prototyping is a process of relating aspects of your spirituality to your desires. Can you identify, God, miracles, love, gratitude, etc., to your desires? Write these spiritual feelings down and review them while looking at your Inspirational Wall.

When you’re reviewing your desires multiple times a day while using the energy created with Emotional/Spiritual Prototypes, you actually create an energy field between your self and your desires. This energy field acts as a field of attraction for you toward your desires and your desires toward you.

When you look at your Inspirational Wall using the Emotional/Spiritual Prototypes, you will actually start to reprogram your mind to bring your desire into reality. In other words, whatever you focus on in life with emotions and spirituality becomes your life. Avoid concentrating on obstacles or reasons why you won’t be able to achieve your desire. This is counterproductive and a sure way to diminish your inspiration and focus.

It is impossible to figure out all the ways you’re going to accomplish a goal (the how) at the beginning of a process. The “How” usually changes along the way to your realization of any worthy goal. Be willing to start where you’re at and continue on the path to your desire and the “How” always comes if you stay focused on what you want. Put all your concentration on “Why” you want it.

This is where your life purpose comes in handy. If your desire is based upon your life purpose, you will stay inspired while in pursuit of something that is bigger than your life. Much of the time, the “How” will come to you in the most unusual ways if you’re concentrating primarily on the “Why.”

Keep your focus and your desires are sure to manifest into reality.

As always, I am…

In loving service,

Dr. Michael J. Duckett

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