
Wednesday 10 March 2010

Purple Buttons stage 10

Purple Buttons stage 10

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ORT Level 10

Purple Buttons

1. What colour was Gran’s button tin?

2. Name 2 things Rachel did with Gran’s buttons.

3. Why did Rachel not like the purple buttons?

4. How did Rachel find the missing jewel from

Gran’s ring?

5. Why do you think Rachel liked the buttons at the

end of the story?

6. Write down all the words with ur in them.

ORT Level 10




ORT Level 10 - Answers
Purple Buttons

1. Gran’s button tin was blue.

2. Rachel used Gran’s buttons: to decorate her

crown / to decorate her brother’s cake / for her

new cardigan.

3. Rachel didn’t like the purple buttons because they winked at her with evil,

goblin eyes.

4. Rachel found the missing jewel from Gran’s ring

when she flicked a purple button onto the floor

and then picked it up. The jewel was under the


5. I think Rachel liked the buttons at the end of the

story because they helped her to find Gran’s


6. Purple, lurked, four.

ORT Level 10

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